Should I form an LLC or Corporation?

Should I form an LLC or Corporation?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on a note pad

The question, “should I form an LLC or Corporation?” will come down to a handful of factors. These factors include your short & long term goals, business model, and potential tax liability.

When wearing the hat of a high-tech startup attorney, we typically advise clients to form C-Corps. C-Corps can issue large amounts of stock (equity) which allows investors to have a passive role in the day-to-day. LLCs have membership interests and are a relatively new type of legal entity, which makes them less enticing for venture capitalists. Corporations have been around for over 100 years, so the legal precedent and protections afforded to stockholders, officers, and directors, are generally set in stone (depending on the state).

When the small business lawyer hat is on, and it’s been established that you’re short-medium term plans don’t include venture capital funding, an LLC might be a great fit. LLCs offer pass-through taxation and have less operational red-tape than Corporations.

It’s also possible to start out as one entity and switch to another (harder in some states than others). Both entities have pros and cons, and each matter requires a separate analysis of the facts. Contact Brown & Blaier, PC to discuss whether an LLC or Corporation is better for your future plans and goals.

Should I form an LLC or Corporation?

The answer depends on: (i) your short term and long term goals; (ii) the nature of your business; and (iii) the potential tax liability.

Adam Blaier, Esq.


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