How Much Does An NJ LLC Cost?

How Much Does An NJ LLC Cost?

If you plan on starting a business in NJ and forming a New Jersey limited liability company, you probably find yourself googling, “how much does an LLC cost in NJ?” or “how to form an LLC in NJ?” This FAQ discusses the various costs and documents associated with forming and maintaining an NJ LLC.

To form an LLC in NJ, you need to file a “Certificate of Formation” with the NJ Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services. The associated filing fee for the Certificate of Formation is $125. You can file online and pay with a credit card.

Some businesses choose to do business under a name other than the name on their Certificate of Formation. If you want to do business under an alternate name/tradename, you must file a Form C-150G. This can be done online or by regular mail. The cost of this application is $50. Once submitted, you will be able to legally use the alternate name for marketing, finances, and other business purposes.

Each year your NJ LLC is active and doing business, you will need to file an “Annual Report.” The filing fee for the Annual Report is $75. If you fail to file the annual report and pay the associated fee, your LLC won’t be in good standing.

The costs associated with NJ LLC formation are as follows:

  • Certificate of Formation – $125 (plus $3.50 if using a credit card);
  • Annual Report – $75 (once per year); and
  • Alternate name — $50 (optional).

There may be other costs associated with forming an NJ LLC formation, including the procurement of a registered agent service ($50 – $150 depending on the company/agency you use) if you are not physically located in the State of NJ.

Lastly, depending on your business/trade, you may need to obtain state or local licenses to perform certain services such as a home improvement contractor license or tree removal services.

How to form an NJ LLC?

To form a New Jersey LLC, you must file a Certificate of Formation with the NJ Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services.

How much does an LLC cost?

To set up an LLC in NJ, you need to pay a one-time filing fee of $125. Our firm offers flat fee startup packages to help entrepreneurs hit the ground running.

Adam Blaier, Esq.


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